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President Trump has nominated Dana Baiocco to be Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The appointment is for a term of seven years beginning on October 27, 2017. Ms. Baiocco is currently a litigator at Jones Day. According to her firm’s bio, she has litigated cases involving “mass torts, consumer and industrial products and medical devices” and has counseled clients on “minimizing risks, regulatory and reporting obligations, warranties, and CPSC product recalls.”

This nomination is significant. With the expiration of Democratic Commissioner Marietta Robinson’s term in late October, Baiocco’s eventual Senate confirmation will shift the Commission’s balance of power. Specifically, it will mark an end to the unusual dynamic of the Commission being led by a “Minority Chair” (Republican Commissioner Ann Marie Buerkle), who does not command a 3-2 voting majority based on political party. Upon Baiocco’s confirmation, Republicans will regain the Commission’s majority.

Our prior blog posts have reflected on Acting Chair Buerkle’s philosophy and priorities for the Commission, which may now start to come into fruition. Assuming Acting Chair Buerkle is confirmed as Chairman later this month, with the new Republican majority, we can now expect the Commission under the Trump Administration to come into focus and likely reflect some of the Administration’s regulatory priorities.

We congratulate Dana Baiocco on her nomination, and expect her confirmation in the coming months.