How can you tell if an online review is truly genuine? Who’s regulating? Who’s watching?
Lauren Aronson, vice chair of the Consumer Protection Committee at the ABA Antitrust section, addresses these questions in Episode #7 of the ABA antitrust section’s podcast, “Our Curious Amalgam,” speaking on the topic, “Too Much Influence? Consumer Protection for online reviews and influencers.” It is well known that consumers increasingly refer to online reviews before making purchases. They consult retailer platforms and often search for reviews from their favorite social media influencers. In this podcast, Lauren joins hosts John Roberti and Elyse Dorsey to discuss the regulation of online reviews and influencers and issues brands should consider when working with influencers or soliciting consumer reviews.
Click here to listen to the podcast.
About the Podcast
Our Curious Amalgam explores topics in antitrust, competition, consumer protection, data protection, and privacy law around the world with leading experts in those areas. It is an amalgam because it is a group of diverse topics all in one place. It is curious because it gets the experts and asks them in-depth questions.