Cheri Falvey - Crowell & Moring partner and co-chair of the firm’s Advertising & Product Risk Management Group

Consumer safety is increasingly on the minds of government regulators and consumer product companies. In a three-part video series, Cheri Falvey, Crowell & Moring partner and co-chair of the firm’s Advertising & Product Risk Management Group, as well as former general counsel of the CPSC, breaks down risk mitigation strategies that consumer products companies should consider as part of their compliance programs.

In these two-minute videos, Cheri goes over common mistakes that companies can make in meeting their regulatory compliance obligation, what corporate officers can do to avoid enforcement action, and how to minimize the risk of litigation during a product recall, amongst other considerations. Click here to view this video alert and to access a transcript on Each video is also embedded at the bottom of this post.Continue Reading VIDEO: Risk Mitigation Strategies and Compliance Programs for Consumer Product Companies

At this year’s National Law Journal (NLJ) Regulatory Summit in Washington, DC, held on December 1, 2014, speakers focused on the current and future of the federal regulatory landscape in the United States.  Highlights included:

  • Former Congressional Leaders Speak on Future Trends in Health Care and Other Sectors

The featured speakers included former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert.The former congressional leaders spoke of the current political division between what Daschle described as “rugged individualism versus collective action.”  While acknowledging an increased divide between political parties, the speakers hoped to see possible movement in some areas, possibly in the areas of Medicare, Medicaid or tax reform.Much of their discussion focused on health care issues as prominent areas of focus going forward, although they predicted more action in the courts and at the state level than at the federal level.Trends to watch for included a movement away from fee for service, and also continued emphasis on wellness extending beyond the health care sector and into businesses themselves as a way to reduce health care costs.

Continue Reading Highlights from the National Law Journal Regulatory Summit 2014