seminar product risk management

On Tuesday, March 18, 2013, Crowell & Moring’s Advertising & Product Risk Management Group will present its second annual seminar on crisis management. The program will take place in Crowell & Moring’s Washington, D.C. office (1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW).  Legal, business and public relations professionals will examine ways to reduce, and in some cases eliminate, the risk of a product crisis throughout the product lifecycle. From concept design through product launch, our panelists will discuss their approaches to minimizing the risk of product defects, port seizures, advertising claims, and class action litigation. 

We invite you to participate in an interactive program addressing how innovative design, regulatory compliance and effective advertising can help speed your products to market. For those situations when safety concerns do arise, our panels will offer creative advice on how to react to product crises with rapid response while addressing media and litigation concerns.Continue Reading Crowell & Moring Presents Advertising and Product Risk Management Seminar on “Staying Afloat When Your Brand Is Under Pressure: How to Avoid, Mitigate, and Manage Product Crises”