Yesterday, the U.S. Senate confirmed Doug Dziak by a voice vote to serve as a commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”). Mr. Dziak will be the second Republican to serve on the Commission presently joining his former boss Commissioner Peter Feldman. Notably, the Commission will once again have a full complement of five commissioners—Hoehn-Saric, Trumka, Boyle, Feldman, and Dziak. However, Commissioner Dziak’s ascendancy to the Commission will not change the balance of power as the Democratic commissioners will hold their 3-2 voting majority over the Republican commissioners.

Commissioner Dziak is no stranger to the Commission or product safety community, and knows the inner-workings of the CPSC as well as anybody. Since 2021, Commissioner Dziak has served as Chief Counsel to Commissioner Peter Feldman advising on regulatory and legal issues before the agency. And prior to holding that position, Mr. Dziak held a number of senior staff positions on Capitol Hill for (former) Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY) and George Voinovich (R-OH).   

Mr. Dziak’s term will run through October of this year as he is filling the remainder of former Commissioner Dana Baiocco’s term. Mr. Dziak will then be able to serve one additional “holdover” year at the agency and/or continue his service through a re-appointment to the Commission.      

We congratulate Commissioner Dziak on his confirmation and look forward to working with his office in the months ahead.