On February 12, 2016, the Federal Bar Association will host a day-long Fashion Law Conference at Parsons School of Design (Starr Foundation Hall in the New School’s stunning new University Center) on the last day of New York Fashion Week!

Speakers include in-house counsel from The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc., Tiffany & Co., New York & Company, and Global Brands Group.

Topics include cover anti-counterfeiting, FTC and trademark considerations, ethical sourcing and labor issues, the regulatory framework of labeling and disclosure, mergers/acquisitions and antitrust considerations, and the current legal issues in e-commerce and mobile apps.

We are privileged to have the Honorable Claire R. Kelly from the U.S. Court of International Trade provide opening remarks, and Professor Susan Scafidi, Academic Director of the Fashion Law Institute—and one of the foremost leaders in the field of fashion law—as our luncheon keynote speaker.

Please join Crowell & Moring’s, Cheryl Falvey, Chahira Solh, Frances Hadfield and a host of other speakers and experts for our cutting-edge fashion law panels (and of course plenty of networking opportunities). We look forward to seeing you there!

Photo credit: Federal Bar Association