The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) recently issued guidance recommending that the term “milk” extend beyond dairy (cow) milk products to plant-based alternatives. Although not legally binding, the guidance indicates that nondairy milk alternatives can be labeled “milk” and need not be restricted as nondairy “beverages” or “drinks.” These plant-based alternatives should, however, include a statement on their product label describing how they are nutritionally different from milk (e.g., “contains a lower amount of potassium than milk”).Continue Reading Plant-Based Milk Alternatives, Udderly Nutritious?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, product manufacturers and distributors—many of whom have pivoted to create PPE-related products for the first time—are now faced with a veritable morass of guidelines and requirements to navigate from a variety of governmental agencies. Recent enforcement actions by federal agencies have only highlighted the importance of understanding exactly how a product must be produced, advertised, labeled, and sold.  This begs the important question: who is the regulator and what is the rule?

Our product risk management team has been speaking to several trade associations in September 2020 about how to navigate the alphabet soup of federal agencies supervising COVID-19 product distribution.  The biggest takeaway:  How a product is advertised for sale plays a critical role in how it is regulated and by which agency .  The regulatory profile can mean the difference between required manufacturing registration or specific requirements as to product labeling.

This article outlines a few of the major players involved in regulating products designed to mitigate or prevent COVID-19—specifically, the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), and Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)—and discusses high-level considerations for entities who find themselves caught up in the regulatory alphabet soup.Continue Reading Who is the regulator? What is the rule?: Navigating the Alphabet Soup of COVID-19 Product Requirements       

When diseases become newsworthy, advertisers may be tempted to profit, claiming that their products can help prevent, treat or cure the disease.  Some advertisers did exactly that as the recent COVID-19 pandemic became a regular part of the news cycle.

In January 2020, GOJO Industries, Inc., the makers of hand sanitizer brand Purell, received a